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For Doves, By Doves

The Nest

  • February 10 - Feast Day Mass/Pinning
  • February 13 - Doves for Life Blankets
  • February 15 - Sweetheart Dance
  • February 21 - SSA Parade
  • February 28-March 9 - Mardi Gras Break

The Nest

The Nest

Natalie Torres

Natalie Torres, Staff Reporter

Natalie Torres is a senior at SSA, and this year is her second year working on The Nest. She is a member of every Honor Society (except Latin), and she is a member of many clubs including Art Club, Social Club, Pop Culture Club and The Benedictine Players Club. Her favorite activities outside of school include art, shopping at thrift stores, spending time with her two cats and watching video essays on niche topics.

All content by Natalie Torres