A Publication for SSA Students by SSA Students

The Nest.

The Nest.

A Publication for SSA Students by SSA Students

Looking Ahead:
  • Review Day/Junior Leadership/2:00 Dismissal - May 17
  • Ring Mass - May 17
  • Final Exams - May 20-23

The Nest.

The Nest.

Surviving Being Single During Valentine’s

Image by: Natalie Torres


Never been in a relationship? This section is for you!

According to Pew Research Center, 64% of teens have never been in a romantic relationship. Although the percentage of teens in relationships is low, the pressure is high to get into one. If family members have ever asked if you have a boyfriend, or if you haven’t had a date to a school dance, you’ve felt this pressure. There is a lot of stress put on young people to get into relationships, but the reason given as to why is always “because you’re supposed to”. 

Smith College states that the idea that every single person wants love in the form of a long-term relationship is called Amatonormativity. This concept ultimately does more harm than good, as it puts stress on people to be in romantic relationships, and also devalues friendships and familial relationships. Also, this concept causes life to be seen as a series of goals that need to be met, rather than what it really is, a path that’s different for everyone. Nobody should ever feel pressured to conform to what their life is “supposed to be like.”

It can be really hard to focus on what someone else needs, and on what you need at the same time. That’s a lot to balance at once, while also having to focus on school work, home life, friendships, and taking care of pets (if you have them). There’s a lot expected of teens while we’re still learning who we are. Some expectations, like being in a relationship, are not possible for everyone, so it makes them feel like something’s wrong because of it. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Nothing is ever wrong with you if you aren’t, or have never been in a relationship. 

Getting over a breakup? This can help!

Surviving a Breakup During Valentine’s Season

A breakup during any season can be tough, especially during Valentine's when everyone talks about love. If you have recently been through a breakup, there are multiple ways to try and move on. Everyone knows the cliche about staying home, eating ice cream and watching sad romance movies, but this will only make you sadder. Instead of staying home, go out with your friends. If you don’t feel up to going out with friends, a girls’ night in is the way to go. Although time alone can be beneficial, it  can quickly turn into an unhealthy cycle. Making sure that you don’t push others away in an attempt to feel better is important. Talking about it with friends or family can help you move on and accept the breakup. The most important thing to do after a breakup is to remember that you will always have people around who love and care about you. - Kiki Kramer

Still feeling lonely? Here are some things to do!

Image by: Natalie Torres

“Parting ways” with these closing remarks

Everyone has a different path in life, and that is okay. If you’re not in a relationship right now, that’s also ok. It just might not be what you need right now, or you may just need time to get to know yourself better. You can learn new things about yourself all the time. Just remember, there are plenty of people out there who have struggled with the same things you have, so you’re definitely not alone. It’s ok to take time for yourself if you need it, and there’s no need to rush into a relationship when you’re a teen, especially because you’re still growing. Feel free to give yourself the room to discover yourself and grow friendships or other non-romantic relationships. You don’t need to be in a relationship to “be complete,” you are already completely perfect, even if you’re just staying single.

About the Contributors
Natalie Torres
Natalie Torres, Staff Reporter
Natalie Torres is a junior at SSA. She is a member of every Honor Society (except Latin), and she is a member of many clubs including Art Club, Baking Club, Home Economics Club and The Benedictine Players Club. Her favorite activities outside of school include art, shopping at thrift stores, spending time with her two cats and watching video essays on niche topics. She hopes that doing working for The Nest. will help improve her writing skills for college and get practice with new skills, like photography!
Kiki Kramer
Kiki Kramer, Editor
Kiki is a senior here at SSA. She is in clubs like Nature's Minions, SADD and is Key Club president. She loves being outside and traveling around the world.