It’s that time of year again- pep rally time! Sept. 15 was the Fall Sports Pep Rally that celebrated the cross country team, volleyball, swim, St. Paul’s cheer, Golden Blues, Saint Scholastica Academy cheer, and the Royalettes. Each team was showcased in a video at the beginning of the pep rally.
From start to finish, the energy in the gym was outmatched. The biggest voices were surprisingly the 8th grade “Baby Doves” who could not stop cheering for their classmates the entire time.
The SSA cheer team performed a wonderful routine, before the Student Council officers transitioned into a whiteboard trivia game celebrating SSA’s 120th year.

The 8th grade and seniors were neck and neck the entire game, and the winner was determined by who could get the closest year when Mrs. Carol Ann Dufrene graduated (it’s 2004, 8th grade!). The seniors were the closest and won the game!
Next, the Royalettes performed a mesmerizing dance to a montage of songs that ended with rounds of applause and cheering from the whole student body.
And now the moment everyone was waiting for: who would win the spirit stick?
Who else could it be but our newly inducted 8th grade, who took the gym by storm and out-spirited everyone!
The pep rally concluded with the singing of SSA’s fight song, and then the spirit stick was transported to its new home in Mrs. Valerie Scogin’s room.