Hottest Movies of the Summer

The movie “Elvis” was released June 24, 2022 following the life of star Elvis Presley. It was directed by Baz Luhrman and there is no doubt that it is one of the greatest movies of the year. The plot itself shows how interesting Presley’s life truly was. The movie follows Presley’s rise to fame all the way to the very end. Austin Butler perfectly captures the role of the star that it feels like the real Elvis Presley is back. Actress Olivia de Jonge also does a fantastic job playing Priscilla. From the shiny outfits worn to the amazing songs that he sang, Luhrman’s direction captures the essence of Presley like no other movie has before. Even though the Oscars are far away, “Elvis” is predicted to be nominated for Best Movie. It has a high rotten tomato score of 77% and even went on to receive a 12-minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. Some of the scenes are emotional such as when Priscilla decides to leave Presley, or when he finds out that his manager has taken advantage of him. “Elvis” is definitely a movie that will always be remembered.

“Top Gun” is a movie that was released in the 1980s starring Tom Cruise that was loved by many. In May of 2022 the film Top Gun Maverick, the sequel to the original was released. After going to see this movie, I immediately wanted to watch it again. Tom Cruise reprises the beloved role of Maverick while Miles Teller joins the film as Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. The director Joseph Kosinski does a great job of capturing the memory and essence of the original movie, but added with something new. In contrast with the original film, the special effects were more impressive. The flying scenes are so intense and nerve-wracking that it leaves you on the edge of your seat. Like “Elvis”, Top Gun Maverick is predicted to be nominated for Best Movie for the Oscars and has a high rotten tomato score of 96%. This movie is one that you would not regret seeing.