A Publication for SSA Students by SSA Students

The Nest.

The Nest.

A Publication for SSA Students by SSA Students

Looking Ahead:
  • Review Day/Junior Leadership/2:00 Dismissal - May 17
  • Ring Mass - May 17
  • Final Exams - May 20-23

The Nest.

The Nest.

The World is Your Classroom

Semester Abroad

How amazing would it be to travel the world as a young adult immersing yourself in new cultures and experiences while completing a college semester? The Semester Abroad Program offers college students a way to do both! Semester abroad gives students memories and friendships that last a lifetime. 


Schools near you that provide a Semester Abroad:

  • Louisiana State University
  • Southeastern Louisiana University
  • Louisiana Tech University
  • University of Mississippi
  • University of Southern Mississippi




Best Places to Study Abroad:



Myths about Studying Abroad:


I need to know the language.

Hello, Bonjour, Ciao, Hola.

Most foreign countries are required to learn English as their second language. However, it is always useful to know the native language for directions and connecting with the locals.


I will not graduate on time if I do a Semester Abroad.

Study Abroad programs can actually put you ahead in your classes with the proper planning. Make sure that you keep up with your school work while also exploring. 


Studying Abroad is strictly for students in their junior year.

Typically they are planned for junior year but you can study abroad at anytime. Junior year is just academically the easiest year for student to do the study abroad program. 


There are no study-abroad programs that fit my major.

This might be true but most classes taken on a semester abroad are core classes so everyone will need to take them eventually. 


You must commit to doing it your freshman year in order to study abroad. 

Most deadlines are due at the latest six months before departure. It is easier to be prepared and plan in advance when you are going to Study Abroad.


It is not safe to study abroad.

Traveling with a group of people you know and trust is the safest way to explore unfamiliar places. Most countries are actually safer than in the US but it is always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings.



Why should you do a Semester Abroad?

Semester abroad offers students worldwide opportunities and inspiration. It absolutely changes your outlook on life and culture. Getting to see the world as a young adult can help you grow into yourself and draw you closer to God. Many students on a semester abroad create lifelong friendships. All in all, it creates an amazing opportunity for young people to explore the world while pursuing a higher education. 


Works Cited:

A Guide to Studying Abroad

Study Abroad




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About the Contributor
Melia Piediscalzo
Melia Piediscalzo, Staff Reporter
Hey everyone! My name is Melia Piediscalzo and I am a junior at SSA this year. I am also proud to be a Golden Blue for SPS. I am so excited to be a part of the publishing of The Nest. and cannot wait to learn more.