A Publication for SSA Students by SSA Students

The Nest.

The Nest.

A Publication for SSA Students by SSA Students

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The Nest.

The Nest.

Apps That Help Me Keep It Together

A few apps that promote productivity and wellness!

As teenage girls, we have so much going on all the time. Whether it is a sport, club, job, etc., it can be difficult to stick to productive routines or even create them in the first place. We often lack time to experiment with routines that work best for us. Luckily, there are tons of easy ways to fix this problem. 

I would like to thank the creators of apps and websites such as Pinterest, Lemon8, and of course, TikTok for allowing girls to help other girls. Creators can upload content about essentially anything they want. Such content includes makeup and beauty secrets, workout routines, recipes, study habits, clothing shops, and more tailored to your interests! 


Pinterest is both an app and a website that allows you to save and explore content that you are interested in. When you first make an account, the app asks you what specific categories you would like to see, which you will find on your feed. If you see a picture or “pin” you like, you can save it to a folder or “board” with that specific category. For example, when I see shoes or clothes I like, I save them on my clothes board. If I see a recipe I would be interested in making, I save it to my food board. I think you get the idea. The best thing about Pinterest is that it links to products you may be interested in purchasing. You can save the item to your board and come back to it later if you want to buy it!! This is not true for every pin someone posts, but more often than not, Pinterest will help you find it. 

Companies, such as ASOS, can create their own Pinterest accounts and link their products so you can go straight to their website when you link something!!


Lemon8 is a fairly new app made by the same company as TikTok. This app is somewhat a mixture of Pinterest and Instagram. It is considered a lifestyle app, as users will often upload hacks and tips to things others may be struggling with. Looking for makeup that will not irritate acne-prone skin? There are plenty of creators that post what has worked for them. Need help finding clothes tailored to your body type? There are plenty of fashion influencers there to help!! Similar to Pinterest, you can save posts and come back to them later. I often use this app when I need some inspiration and ideas on skincare, workouts, and recipes. 


Although TikTok is facing trouble, it can still be a tool for good. One aspect of this app is influencers. TikTok influencers create videos for recipes, makeup routines, fashion advice, and so much more. This is similar to the other two apps, content is posted in video form rather than photos. You get to see the personality of the influencer you watch and follow along with his or her content. Influencers can also just be there to tell stories, give life advice, and even relate to things you are or have experienced. Though there is other controversial content on this app, the positive part of TikTok can be resourceful and gives valid wellness tips. 

These are just a few examples of apps of this nature, but these three are certainly reliable for beauty and wellness tips. There is a post or video for any interest or inspiration you may need. You create a feed over time full of posts about the content you enjoy or want to learn more about. When you have a busy schedule, having other girls to lean on for inspiration is always helpful. Girls helping girls will be beneficial to us all and promote positivity. You can also upload content of your own on any of these platforms!! 


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