Love Match
Roger and Karen Koerner, parents to my mom and the couple who I now know as Grandpa and Geegah, have a darling love story that I am privileged to share.

In April of 1968, they were both in college at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Karen received a phone call from her friend, the captain of the tennis team. Her friend was challenged by two engineers to play doubles in a match of tennis. Karen accepted the challenge; it was a blind date. During the game, Roger noted how he remembered his first impression of her. “She was gorgeous, very athletic, in way better shape than I was, very outgoing…” The date finished with the four going out for rootbeer floats (which were later a dessert at their 50th wedding anniversary celebration).

The couple dated about a month and a half before getting engaged in June. The following September, Roger and Karen were wed. “The whole day was magical and will never fade from my memory. We went straight to the airport after the reception and flew to Santa Monica CA, and Roger’s apartment to start our life.” 54 years later, Grandpa and Geegah are happily residing in Covington. They have three children and seven grandchildren.

Miriam is a senior here at SSA. She is a captain of the swim team, the public relations officer for National Art Honors Society, and student minister....