Winter Pep Rally

The annual winter sports pep rally was held Friday, December 9, in the gym. 

The assembly started with a video highlighting the winter sports by student council technician, Juliet Treadway.

All Photos By: Haley Hebert

Following the video, the first game commenced. The “Slay” race was a crowd favorite. Seeing fellow classmates be pulled across the gym floor on blankets was definitely a treat. Katelyn Dowdle and Aidan Carpenter won the race taking a victory for the seniors putting them in the lead for the spirit stick competition. 

Anna Claire Schwing winning points for the juniors.

Our very own Steve Harveys, Julia Case and Kay Kergosien, introduced us to the next game: an intense round of Family Feud, dove style. Participants were asked trivia style questions about all things SSA. Leah Savoy took another W for the senior class, winning 95 points for her class, with junior Anna Claire Schwing closely following with 80 points.  

The Royalettes and SSA cheer team dazzled the crowd with their performances. The Royalettes gave students a sneak peak of their nationals kick routine. SSA cheer treated the crowd with their “Band dance” and a cheer. These performances will be showcased at UCA (cheer) and UDA (dance) nationals in February. Good luck doves!

Brynn claiming victory.

SURPRISE! After the cheer and dance performances, student council surprised students with a  game of four-corners. 20 students from each grade were given the opportunity to play. With any game of four-corners, someone must choose to eliminate a corner for each round. Students’ names with perfect attendance (which was very few) were added to a wheel that was spun to choose someone for the role. Eighth grader Ellie Draper was selected. Brynn Laughin was the last “man” standing. 

Aqua Doves take a victory lap.

After the fun of four-corners, we were introduced to the 2022 swim state champions. The Aqua Doves, who have held the state title for 12 consecutive years, took a victory lap around the gym with their trophy. 

And the spirit stick goes to……….. The class of ‘26! The class of freshmen’s enthusiasm and spirit truly shined during the pep rally. Congratulations, doves. 

To close out the pep rally, Mr. MacIver led us in singing Christmas carols. It was a great day to be a dove!