Active Minds and Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week just took place from October 2 through October 8. It was started by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to educate people and raise awareness about mental illness. The new club Active Minds was started this year to help give students more resources about mental health.

Mrs. Taylor is one of the leaders of the club and said that teachers have wanted to start a club for mental health but sometimes it can be intimidating to take on new things. Taylor was asked “What made you want to be a school counselor?” and she answered that she knew she always wanted to go into mental health but she never thought she would end up at a school. She said once she became a mom it brought her interest in teaching at a school. When Taylor was asked what they hope to accomplish with this club, she answered that it was to decrease stigma and increase involvement in school life. Taylor said that she is happy that the club is there for kids and that it was needed. Taylor also said that students have become more interested in mental health this year. The club has been going really well so far and students have become more passionate about it.